Sertélek ígi digital zéstek
Nunovó Tancó NunovóTangó
Memholog vagyik hondulog ségegy
Nunovó Zenó Nunovó Tangó
Hundroid egyi fertélek vagyók
Nunovó Tancó Nunovó Tangó
Kompútersz zéne monitor lagyok
Nunovó Zenó Nunovó Tangó
// english translation / Ika Fridrich
Digital watch tick tick away
This is the New Dance
That's the New Tango
Memory is ticking away
Your night is running away
This is the New Dance
That's the New Tango
One hundred sixty b.p.m
This is the New Dance
That's the New Tango
Computer music, monitor's shining
This is the New Dance
That's the New Tango